Phil Barth – Managing stress and the triggers of stress

On August 5, 2015 I took a surprise visit to the cardiac wing of Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati.
I suffered what was labeled a “small” heart attack. I remember thinking “if this is small I'd hate to see medium.”
Per the advice of my Doctor I changed my diet, started exercising more and decided to work on controlling stress.
For the past five years I have published a daily list: Great things that happened today. Each day I celebrate the great things that happened. Since I started this journey I've met some fascinating people, discovered new recipes and celebrated life. And I've laughed a lot.
I even wrote a book on the subject – it's an International Best Sort of Seller (it went to #1 on free books when I released it… that's sort of a sale).
For my 15 minutes of fame, I was on the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” in 2003.
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